
10×10 Photobooks is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization with the mission to foster engagement with the global photobook community through an appreciation, dissemination and understanding of photobooks. Founded in 2012, 10×10 offers an ongoing multi-platform series of public photobook events, including reading rooms, salons, publications, grants, online communities, and partnerships with arts organizations and institutions.

For further information: info@10x10photobooks.org

The 10×10 Team
Olga Yatskevich, Co-Founder
Russet Lederman, Co-Founder
David Solo, Grants Director
Karen Kertesz-Sklar, Salon Manager
Shea Baasch, Work-Scholar
Kun Ling Shen, Work-Scholar

Board of Directors
Mariama Attah, Frédérique Destribats, Maria Correa do Lago, Charles Guice, Jeff Gutterman, Loring Knoblauch, Russet Lederman, Steven Sicular, David Solo and Olga Yatskevich.

Past Board Members
Deirdre Donohue, Richard Grosbard, Michael Lang and Dolly Meieran.

Emeritus 10×10 Team Members
Matthew Carson, Emeritus Co-Founder
Michael Lang, Emeritus Director of Salons
Dolly Meieran, Emeritus Director of Salons

Researchers and Volunteers (past and present)
Alison Beaudette, Rose Bishop, Halston Bruce, Felix Chan, Shadimere Coles, Jesse Dritz, Noelia Echeto, Taylor Fisch, Lauren Graves, Maxxie Gutterman, Ryan Haley, Maria Beatriz Haro, Nicole Hervás, Miyuki Hinton, Anna Jacobson, Anna Katherine Kelley, Zohar Kfir, Pablo Lerma, Yonatan Levia, Ashley McNelis, Katherine Mitchell, Frankie Moutafis, Caroline Riley, Liz Sales, Raphael Shammaa, Juanita Solano, Kelsey Sucena, Francesca Teodori and Megumi Tomomitsu.

Summary Writers and Researchers for Flashpoint! Protest Photography in Print, 1950-Present Project
Kyle Canter, Claire Carcara, Kimber Chewning, Diana Flatto, Keavy Handley-Byrne, Nawang Tsomo Kinkar, Eliza McDonough, Casey Monroe, Frankie Moutafis, Marjorie Ornston and Alexandra Varga

Institutional Partners, Collaborators and Salon Hosts
Magnum Foundation, Gitterman Gallery, Center for Book Arts, Flowers Gallery (NYC), Aperture Foundation, The International Center of Photography Library, MM.LaFleur, Perrotin Gallery, Photobook Facebook Group, Penumbra Foundation, Planthouse Gallery, Enter Enter, Rijksmuseum Library, dieFirma, Lindsay Thompson Company, Photography Department at the Museum of Fine Arts (Boston), Hirsch Library at the Museum of Fine Arts (Houston), Fototeca Latinoamericana (Buenos Aires), Maison Européenne de la Photographie (Paris), Library at Tokyo Photographic Museum, MassArt, PGH Photo at the Carnegie Museum of Art, Reina Sofia Museum (Madrid), Boston Athenaeum, Wallach Division of the New York Public Library, David Solo, MUUS Collection, Ronnie & Richard Grosbard, SCA Agency, Lanie McNulty, Higher Pictures, Printed Matter and Jeff Gutterman.

Visual Identity
Ricardo Báez

Salon Photographers
Olga Yatskevich, Anna Yatskevich and Jeff Gutterman

The 10×10 Photobooks website is generously supported by David Solo.